Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Wir, in SWIDA, glauben, dass die Grundlage der hochwertigen Arbeitsleistung besonders die hochwertige Ausbildung und den allgemeinen Überblick darstellt

Do flexible working hours bring more efficiency?

We have been interested in this issue in our company for a long time. As our lifestyle goes faster, everyone appreciates their time, so when choosing a job,…

Swida Innovative ranks among successful Slovak businesses

We have become a diamond of Slovak business. Forbes Magazine has been awarding small and medium-sized fast-growing and healthy Slovak businesses with Diamonds of Slovak…

We celebrated company´s 4th anniversary

The celebration of Swida Innovative´s 4th birthday might not have looked like a birthday party of a 4 year old. A child may eventually forget…

Enjoy your time out

This year was again dedicated to traditional sports event Run and Know Trebišov. The 3rd annual sports event included a morning walking and cycling. The official…

We help our town become a better place

We do care about the area where we live. When we founded our company SWIDA Innovative a few years ago, we promised ourselves not to forget our surroundings when…