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Women in freight forwarding company

Working in freight forwarding is equally difficult for women and men. In our company, we give equal opportunities to both sexes and we are happy about their success in the same way. Today, we decided to give space to 3 women from the Swida team to tell us what they enjoy about working for us and how they feel in our young team.


“I found myself in logistics. After returning from abroad, I also wanted to continue working actively with a foreign language. Swida offers fair conditions and a skilled person can afford above-standard security in the future. It is true that more men than women work in logistics or freight forwarding, but I take my position as an advantage because the client does not always make rational decisions, so sympathy is also important in our deals. Personally, what I enjoy the most is seeing myself as I develop, growing my self-confidence, and getting out of my comfort zone more easily. By improving communication and negotiation, I can agree on better conditions in many places – e.g. At the mobile operator. 😉 I like my job as such but I like my colleagues even more. ”


“I had a lot of respect before working in Swida. Especially when it comes to pressure on the psyche. I know that logistics never sleep and negotiations have to be very fast and efficient. Now, I wouldn’t trade this job for anything in the world. It is these dynamics that I enjoy the most. Every day is different, it’s not a stereotype. I enjoy working with people, daily contact with clients which brings new experiences and knowledge every day. I also perceive very positively that as a woman I can use not only my experience but also intuition and empathy. There were many situations when I took over the activity from a colleague where the client had a completely opposite approach as it was written in the activity, and it can be said that he sent me an order relatively quickly.  By the way, we are still cooperating with these clients on successful shipments ”


“I worked abroad and I wanted to return home and use my knowledge of a foreign language. Working in Swida brought me exactly this benefit. I enjoy that every day is about something different. Work in our team is dynamic, interesting, and I also evaluate flexible working hours very positively. We have to successfully manage dozens of shipments for our clients every day, and in some cases, I can also successfully use my women’s weapons. ”

In Swida, we give a chance to talent. It doesn’t matter if you are a woman or a man, we are all one team and it is the diversity that makes us a successful company that wants to move forward.

Women in freight forwarding company

Working in freight forwarding is equally difficult for women and men. In our company, we give equal opportunities to both sexes and we are happy about their success in the same way.

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